Privacy Policy

Welcome to our file manager!

Dear user

Thank you for choosing to use our product. We attach great importance to your privacy protection and, in order to safeguard your legitimate rights and interests, we hereby enter into the following privacy agreement.

1. Information collection

During the use of the intelligent file manager, we may collect your device information, system version, language, region, etc. to provide you with better service. We promise that the collected information will only be used to optimize product features and enhance user experience.

2. Information usage and sharing

Unless we obtain your explicit consent or permission in accordance with laws and regulations, we will not disclose your personal information to any third party. Meanwhile, we may share anonymous statistical data with our partners to improve our products and services, but this will never involve your personal privacy.

3. Information security and protection

We take strict technical and management measures to ensure the security of your data. The information we collect does not include your personal information such as name, gender, age, contact information, and address, so there is no need to worry about personal privacy leakage.

4. Privacy Policy Update

This privacy policy may be updated based on changes in laws and regulations or adjustments to product features. If there are any updates, we will notify you immediately and require you to carefully read and agree to the updated privacy policy before continuing to use the product.

5. Contact information

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding privacy protection while using the Smart File Manager, please feel free to contact our customer service team at any time. We will be committed to answering your questions and continuously improving our privacy protection work.

Thank you again for your trust and support. We will wholeheartedly provide you with high-quality and safe services.